“VxWorks Compilation Issue: GNU Success, LLVM Failure”

Hi, I have an interesting problem;

While reading an XML file in VxWorks, the code that works with GNU when compiled with the SR540 version does not function when compiled with LLVM using the SR640 version. The issue is as follows: I read the XML file and populate a singleton array using a for loop. I observe the error in that the counter value ‘I’ used for the loop gets corrupted, going out of the condition’s bounds. The macro used for the condition might also be getting corrupted, but I cannot determine if this is the case. When I add another print statement, I do not see the error.

Additionally, I have disabled all new operations in my code, leaving only static variables. I am merely reading a few modules from the XML file and assigning them to the array.

How would you suggest I analyze this issue? Are there any warning or error flags you recommend using during the compilation process?